Sunday 12 December 2010

Cher Lloyd voted off the x factor...

Sixteen year old Cher Lloyd from Malvern, Worcestershire, failed to make it into the final three last night on the X factor despite having constant support from the four judges each week. Cher became a favourite to win after her first audition in which she sang Keri Hilson’s version of ‘Turn my Swag On’ by Soulja Boy. She achieved immediate success and fame from her fist audition and now has over 15 million hits on YouTube. Cher was a favourite to win after her fist audition however the Gamu incident at boot camp affected her fan base massively (scroll down to read about the Gamu incident). But despite this unpopularity, Cher still managed to make it into the final four saying that she was ‘very lucky to have made it this far’ however did confess that she ‘did expect to be going’ and she knew she was not going to win the competition because she is ‘the rapper’. Cher has recently admitted that she is ‘a bit like marmite’ because ‘people will either love me or hate me’. It is clear from the many twitter messages that many people believe Cher to be a ‘brat’ however she did, and still does, have many loyal supporters who have loved her ever since her first spectacular audition.
It is clear that Cher has star quality and it looks as though she will not be disappearing from our television screens for too long because she is a highly ambitious young girl who is sure to sell records and receive a recording contract even after failing to win to show this year. 

You can watch Cher's first audition below and the press conference that the four remaining acts gave last week.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Nineteen Years later in pictures. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THEM!

The world continues to wait patiently for the release of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1’ (the movie) which is due to be premiered in the UK on the 19th November 2010. Most are growing more and more intolerant by the second; desperate to see how J.K Rowling’s masterpiece will be portrayed on the big screen and, indeed, if the movie will, again, do the books justice to how spectacular the actually are. I am, similarly, feeling excited and even a bit anxious to discover how Harry’s journey will end.  I have, like the majority of you, many unanswered questions constantly on my thoughts; where will part two begin from? Will the movie actually be shown in 3D and, more significantly, who will be chosen to play the roles of Harry, Ron and Hermione’s children in the last chapter ‘Nineteen years later’?
Ever since I finished the novel, I have been increasingly curious about these questions, particularly the last and, it was not until last night was that question answered. The pictures that have been released show, not only the pictures of Harry, Ron and Hermione’s children but also of the main characters themselves!
Despite, the chapter being named ‘nineteen years later’, the pictures make most of the major characters look much older than one thought they would, however they are gripping to look at and make the release of the movie increasingly exciting!

Hope you enjoy these awesome pictures!

All pictures are taken from this website, Go to this website for more pictures from this set :)

The Potter's

19 years later... - harry-potter photo
Harry and Albus Potter
19 years later... - harry-potter photo
Ginny (Weasley) and Albus Potter 

Click to view full size image
Ginny and Lily Potter
Click to view full size image
Ginny with Albus Potter and James Potter (left)

The Weasley's 

The Malfoy's

19 Years Later... - harry-potter photo
Draco and Astoria Malfoy

19 Years Later... - harry-potter photo
Draco and Scorpius Malfoy 

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Fans Fuming Over X Factor Finalists

Gamu Nhengu
Distraught... After Gamu is rejected.  

Katie Waissel in during her first audition.

Saturday night brought much drama and anger with it as the UK saw Zimbabwe born singer Gamu Nhengu eliminated from the competition despite being a favourite to win. Gamu was dropped from the competition by X factor judge Cheryl Cole who said that despite her being ‘extremely adorable’ and having ‘a great voice’, she wasn’t sure that Gamu ‘brought the star quality that she was looking for’. Gamu’s X factor exit shocked and angered fans resulting in a facebook page being created titled ‘Gamu should have got through’. The page has received much support from the fans and despite only being set up a few days ago, has more than 174,000 likes on Facebook. Many fans have commented on the page with harsh comments about Cheryl Cole and others have displayed their hate for Katie Waissel, a Madonna wannabe from London, who has found it difficult to even finish a song on the show without breaking down with tears in front of the judge’s. One annoyed fan posted on the facebook page, “Gamu was amazing, I almost cried when I found out stupid Cheryl didn't choose her. Damn you Cheryl Cole." Many are even more upset as Katie has already received a recording contract and has even performed for Paris Hilton in Hollywood. Gamu, who is less fortunate, lives in a poor area of Scotland with her family.

Cheryl Cole was today accused of being racist as only one of her three finalists in was mixed-race. The judge also dropped Treyc Cohen and Annastasia, both of mixed-races and both note perfect singers . However, many other fans disagreed that Cheryl is racist as she included Rebecca Ferguson in her final three.The show revealed on Saturday that there would be ‘a twist’ in next weeks show and many are hoping that Gamu will be brought back on, however Gamu’s mother said in a statement “At the moment she is out of the competition”.

There is also talk that Gamu will be Cheryl’s ‘wildcard’ contestant and will be given another chance to prove herself, however Gamu’s family have said, “the only thing we know about the wildcard is what we've read in the papers. We don't know if anything is coming out of the blue." And even some papers are revealing that Gamu has not been picked as the ‘wildcard’ contestant.

Others say that Gamu was dropped from the show due to visa problems. Many fear that Cheryl was made to drop her as the producers were concerned that she may have to leave Britain during the live shows. However, the producers have denied this statement and say that this is not the reason for Gamu's exit.

Despite it looking extremely unlikely that Gamu will return to the show, fans are still trying hard to make sure that their favourite contestant is given the second chance she deserves.

What do you think of Gamu? Do you believe she has the X factor or do you prefer Katie?

Leave comments below!

Sunday 3 October 2010

GaGa’s Gory Gown

Lady Gaga wears a hat, dress and boots that look as if they're made from meat at the MTV Video Music Awards (Photo: Getty Images)
As most people were beginning to accept her eccentric taste in fashion, Lady GaGa, again, was able to surprise us with yet another wacky and strange dress.  

The pop sensation (24) has worn some bizarre outfits in her time; a dress made of bubbles and a jacket made completely of Kermit the frog dolls, however, the dress she wore at  MTV’s Video music awards on 13/09/10 in Los Angeles was, arguably, the most horrendous yet. GaGa, who broke the records for being nominated for the most number of VMA’s, received plenty of attention at the VMA’s wearing a dress made entirely from cuts of meat. However, this attention was not all good as many people were angry with her ‘offensive outfit’ and GaGa has even been warned that if people disagree with her attire, her music sales will decrease.

 It was being debated whether or not the dress was, in fact, made of raw meat and this was quickly answered by Ellen DeGeneres who wrote on her website ‘it was real meat’. The dress angered many animal rights activists however GaGa told Ellen that her meat dress wasn’t ‘disrespectful to Vegetarians or vegans’ in anyway and that it had ‘many interpretations’.  GaGa explained that she wore the meat dress to show her support to her gay fans because many of them ‘feel like they have governmental oppression on them’."She also added, "As you know I am the most judgement free human being on the earth, if we don't stand up for what we believe in and don't stand up for our rights pretty soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones."

What do you think of Lady GaGa’s extraordinary dress? Leave your comments below!