Saturday 9 October 2010

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Nineteen Years later in pictures. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THEM!

The world continues to wait patiently for the release of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1’ (the movie) which is due to be premiered in the UK on the 19th November 2010. Most are growing more and more intolerant by the second; desperate to see how J.K Rowling’s masterpiece will be portrayed on the big screen and, indeed, if the movie will, again, do the books justice to how spectacular the actually are. I am, similarly, feeling excited and even a bit anxious to discover how Harry’s journey will end.  I have, like the majority of you, many unanswered questions constantly on my thoughts; where will part two begin from? Will the movie actually be shown in 3D and, more significantly, who will be chosen to play the roles of Harry, Ron and Hermione’s children in the last chapter ‘Nineteen years later’?
Ever since I finished the novel, I have been increasingly curious about these questions, particularly the last and, it was not until last night was that question answered. The pictures that have been released show, not only the pictures of Harry, Ron and Hermione’s children but also of the main characters themselves!
Despite, the chapter being named ‘nineteen years later’, the pictures make most of the major characters look much older than one thought they would, however they are gripping to look at and make the release of the movie increasingly exciting!

Hope you enjoy these awesome pictures!

All pictures are taken from this website, Go to this website for more pictures from this set :)

The Potter's

19 years later... - harry-potter photo
Harry and Albus Potter
19 years later... - harry-potter photo
Ginny (Weasley) and Albus Potter 

Click to view full size image
Ginny and Lily Potter
Click to view full size image
Ginny with Albus Potter and James Potter (left)

The Weasley's 

The Malfoy's

19 Years Later... - harry-potter photo
Draco and Astoria Malfoy

19 Years Later... - harry-potter photo
Draco and Scorpius Malfoy 

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