Tuesday 5 October 2010

Fans Fuming Over X Factor Finalists

Gamu Nhengu
Distraught... After Gamu is rejected.  

Katie Waissel in during her first audition.

Saturday night brought much drama and anger with it as the UK saw Zimbabwe born singer Gamu Nhengu eliminated from the competition despite being a favourite to win. Gamu was dropped from the competition by X factor judge Cheryl Cole who said that despite her being ‘extremely adorable’ and having ‘a great voice’, she wasn’t sure that Gamu ‘brought the star quality that she was looking for’. Gamu’s X factor exit shocked and angered fans resulting in a facebook page being created titled ‘Gamu should have got through’. The page has received much support from the fans and despite only being set up a few days ago, has more than 174,000 likes on Facebook. Many fans have commented on the page with harsh comments about Cheryl Cole and others have displayed their hate for Katie Waissel, a Madonna wannabe from London, who has found it difficult to even finish a song on the show without breaking down with tears in front of the judge’s. One annoyed fan posted on the facebook page, “Gamu was amazing, I almost cried when I found out stupid Cheryl didn't choose her. Damn you Cheryl Cole." Many are even more upset as Katie has already received a recording contract and has even performed for Paris Hilton in Hollywood. Gamu, who is less fortunate, lives in a poor area of Scotland with her family.

Cheryl Cole was today accused of being racist as only one of her three finalists in was mixed-race. The judge also dropped Treyc Cohen and Annastasia, both of mixed-races and both note perfect singers . However, many other fans disagreed that Cheryl is racist as she included Rebecca Ferguson in her final three.The show revealed on Saturday that there would be ‘a twist’ in next weeks show and many are hoping that Gamu will be brought back on, however Gamu’s mother said in a statement “At the moment she is out of the competition”.

There is also talk that Gamu will be Cheryl’s ‘wildcard’ contestant and will be given another chance to prove herself, however Gamu’s family have said, “the only thing we know about the wildcard is what we've read in the papers. We don't know if anything is coming out of the blue." And even some papers are revealing that Gamu has not been picked as the ‘wildcard’ contestant.

Others say that Gamu was dropped from the show due to visa problems. Many fear that Cheryl was made to drop her as the producers were concerned that she may have to leave Britain during the live shows. However, the producers have denied this statement and say that this is not the reason for Gamu's exit.

Despite it looking extremely unlikely that Gamu will return to the show, fans are still trying hard to make sure that their favourite contestant is given the second chance she deserves.

What do you think of Gamu? Do you believe she has the X factor or do you prefer Katie?

Leave comments below!

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